Our passports have not been returned from wherever they go to have the Visas processed (the passport accompanies a visa application because an entry visa is simply a stamp of approval on the passport) and I'm hoping they arrive in the next few days.
I am assembling the many legal documents I have to take with us and I feel like Radar on M.A.S.H. because following is but a sampling of the documents we have completed or have to take with us:
- I-600A approval - Notice of Favorable Determination for Advanced Processing of Orphan Petition;
- I-171H Approval - Proof of Valid Fingerprinting;
- Medical Examination for Immigrant or Refugee Applicant;
- I-604 Request for the Report on Overseas Orphan Investigation;
- Form 230 Petition to Classify Orphan as Immediate Relative
- I-864W Petition to Classify Orphan as Immediate Relative
I consider myself somewhat capable of finding my way through red tape. I managed to get a law degree and to keep it, but I don't think I would have ever been able to crash my way through this process without an agency telling me where to go and what to do.
Next there is the issue of cash. The day after we arrive in China, the orphanage will transport Song Song to the Civil Affairs office in the province where we will be staying. We will take custody of her on that day, but only after handing the orphanage $4,500 in U.S. currency. Since the largest denomination of U.S. currency is a $100 bill, this means I will be traveling with a bankroll. No travelers checks or any other form of exchange are accepted. This feels like we are planning a transaction with a South American drug lord. Apparently, this is the routine. The $4,500 is but the tip of the iceberg. When this adoption is complete, we will have spent approximately $25,000. Fortunately, we have paid this over time, not all at once. It has therefore not been too difficult. I'm not complaining, Song Song is a price beyond rubies. I'm just sayin.
Next there is the matter of names. A few weeks ago I posted a list of possibilities. That list has shortened, because Eliott and Georgia don't like Alex. (Sorry Mr. Hamilton, I tried, I really tried). Expat and MCS like Sarah, but for some inexplicable reason, the name Sarah brings to mind a rather matronly woman with large sagging breasts stuffed into a Gunny Sax dress. Sorry to offend any Sarahs out there.
Maiya is still a leading contender, although I ran a list of the top 100 girl names from 2006 and Maiya, including many variations of the spelling, were in the top twenty or so. I'm not too keen on extremely popular names.
We'd like to find something not too ethnic, as we want Song Song to have a name that meshes well with those of the rest of her family. That said, I don't want to give her a name that implies she wishes to have high tea with the Queen.
Why not leave her name Song Song? We will keep it, but I'd like to give her an American name to go with it.
Your assistance is appreciated.
Do you mean keep it, and like add a middle name that's American?
Song Song Melody (insert Leezer's Last name)?
Song Song Jane (insert Leezer's last name)?
Like that?
real suggestions: Caroline, Annadell, Julia, Lillian, Katrina
Old lady names: gertrude, mabel, june, phyllis, lydia
character building names: mustang sally, lavender, steve
I love following this story. This is just so amazing-- you go git 'er in just a few days! Holy crap! :) I will be thinking of you and wishing you all nothing but the best of experiences.
My name suggestion is Helen. It's probably my all-time favorite name for a girl. (And no one ever names their kid Helen anymore--what's the matter, they no like-a Helen?)
I do like Steve, too, though. Anonymous knows his/her shit.
I consider Sarah a diploma name - what is cuter than Sally Song Marshall? Sarah is a classic name that cannot be typified; currently, however, there are a lot of 12-13 year olds out there with that name which is why I nixed it, even though it is my mother's. Sadie is also a suitable nickname.
Re: Helen. That was the other serious contender for Sunshine's real name. We liked the nickname Helen Wheels. We could not decide after 3 days so Poppy finally made the decision. Goes with Georgia.
Maiya - way to trendy and does not sync with Georgia.
Since Song Song will be an adult most of her life, so the name has to carry through to her being a grandma. Can you imagine saying, "Let's head over to Grandma Amber's for some milk and cookies?" Don't think so. Not that you were considering it.
Last gasp: Fiona.
You and Mr. Understanding will be crossing airspace at the same time. Peace and blessings to you all. SEE YOU ON THE 4TH!!!
Think Jacob Sing A Song of Six Pence:
I was thinking of [First name] Song Song Marshall.
I don't know what to do. hmmm.
You read my mind: Caroline or Carolina as well as Lillia are on my new list.
I agree that lavendar would be a character building name, as would chartreuse.
Cruel Shoes:
We took our daughter to a daycare when she was little and there was a Helen there. She was so cute. Helen. Love that name.
I love the name Doug for a fish. I want a fish named Doug.
I can't do Sarah. Sorry. Saggy boobs, hairy legs, Janis Joplin hair and a Gunny Sax dress.
I thought your Mom's name is Sally. Don't tell me it's Sarah after all this.
I love Caroline but Elliott's first girlfriend was Caroline and she's way prettier than me so I don't know if I can do that.
Helen. Helen. Helen. Helen Keller. Helen Keller. . I don't know if I can NOT picture Helen Keller when I say this name, though it is truly a good name.
How about Amoxycillin?
Names are so tough. And I'm one of those that has to sit on it a long time, and can change my mind after a while. I really wanted Madeline for our first, but heard Madison and stopped there. It just clicked for us (I later learned it's one of the top 10 without studying those darn lists.) "Wonderful", I told my husband. "We just named our daughter the 'Jennifer' of the new generation." (I had 6 Jennifer's in my second grade class, liked all of them) But I went to school with them through high school, so they eventually all got nicknames.
I debated these names: Skylar, Alexandra, Natalie, Charlotte. Got vetoed.
Names I would've considered if I didn't have relatives that already took them: Anna, Annabel, Samantha, Erin, Kendall, Nina, Lauren, Caroline, Morgan.
Names I would not consider: Prudence, Beatrice, Jasmine, Doris, Betsy, Helga, Gertrude, Suzanna.
I can't believe your trip is coming at lightning speed! How long will you be there? The jetlag is a drag, but I'm sure your adrenaline will more than make up for it.
Did you mention Alexa or Alexis to Elliott and Georgia instead of Alex? Both very feminine.
If you like Helen you may also like Helene or Helena.
Maiya may be hard for some people to pronounce spelled that way. I had a friend in school whose last name was Aboitiz. A 7th grade teacher mispronounced it and it stuck. From then on she was called Abolitz. Luckily she had a good sense of humor.
I love the name Claire. I think it means "light" in French.
I so wish that my husband and daugher liked Alex. I love it, or Alexa or Alexis. Such a great name.
Our travel doctor told us to take Ambien (sleeping pill) on the first night in China so we get acclimated to the days and nights. I intend to, and my husband won't because he won't take even an aspirin. I have a "drug free" policy: If the drugs are free, then I'll take them!
I'm not sure if I mentioned those variations of the name. I love any variation of Alex. Maybe I'll bring it up again. Such a great name, with no baggage, like Caroline.
My cousin named her daughter "Claire." She is about seventeen now, a beautiful girl. That is on my short list!
I think Caroline goes beautifully with Georgia. I also like Helen, and Evelyn, and Sadie.
Working in pediatrics, and having a large number of patients who have adopted internationally, I can tell you that Maya seems to be a fairly popular name for little girls adopted from China.
I don't know why this is, but we have at least three that I can think of off the top of my head. It's still a very pretty name, but I can appreciate your not wanting her to have to be "Maya [insert first initial of last name here]" for the next 16 years of her life.
Names aside, I can't believe your trip is so close. You're about to become a mother all over again! I'm going to email you now b/c I need some information you probably don't want to post on your blog.
How about Sing Song Song Marshall?
Jane (like Cher or Madonna. Just Jane.)
Corvette Song Song Marshall
Hmmm, guess who actually had a dream about names for Song Song early this morning? Providence? Probably, maybe. Here's the name that popped into my head, startling me a bit: Agatha. I know, it's old fashion, but I guarantee you ain't gonna be hearing it on the playground. Call her Aggie.
Otherwise, NIGELLA! Nigella Song. Ella Song. Nigella has an exoticness to it too. AND, she'll be a fabulous cook.
Oh, and my daughter is Addison Mae.
I had never heard "Addison" when we named her (in 2005), and now a TV character (Gray's Anatomy)has that name (but we named her before the show started), and it was #27 in popularity last year. We tried to go for different when, evidentally, everyone else had the same idea. I just call her Addy or Ad.
Try Moonbooger Song Song Marshall.
Why not Shaniqua or Tanisha? White people should start to embrace names traditionally associated with black culture.
Tupac Song Song Marshall.
Sharpton Song Song Marshall.
On the serious tip, I used to date this girl named Adelle (Uh-Dell). I thought it was the coolest name. It's kind of southern.
I think it's hard on kids when there are multiple ways to spell a name - like Maya/Maija/Maiya
Bi-sexual names are always interesting as well.
Kelli, Ferrol, Mel, Chance (I actually know a boy named that), Saffron, Penny, Coco, Meredith, Dawn, Reese, Michelle, Ally, Sassy, Gentry, Kate, Daisy, Morgan or Joon.
Bottom line is, I think once you meet her, a name will jump out at you.
Good luck!
Is that you Frannie? C'mon, I know it's you!!!
I tend to like "bi-sexual" names. This is why I like Alex so much. I wish Elrod liked it as much as I do. Maybe I'll work on him this weekend because we have to decide when we meet her because it goes on the forms we need to travel home and it's pretty hard to change later.
I like Meredith a LOT. Meredith is a good friend and a lovely gal.
Top of my list as of this moment:
Alex (still)
Christina's (a commenter on this blog) has a baby in her tum tum and it is named Chance!!!
I think it's because of the Mayan peoples that Maiya is a popular name for Chinese babies. People associated the name Maiya with the Mayan indians and the Mayan Indians are "people of color," and they just jump to Maiya!
Hee hee. Seriously, It's off my list now that I know how common it is.
I really like Caroline (even though it was my husband's first girlfriend and she is very pretty but maybe naming Song Song this will erase that woman from my memory).
Think Jacob Name-Whisperer:
How about Booger? Let's not tire ourselves out by writing "Moon" in front of it. And Booger can be a name without a last name, like Cher or Madonna. Remember Booger from Revenge of the Nerds?
I like Adelle, too. But I'd spell it Uh.Dell. And I would tell people I named her after my computer.
Sharikatabikatheakeyshauwn Marshall.
Agatha? Why do I picture a dry heave when I hear that name? Sorry. No can do. Nigella? Can't do it. Nigel from America's Next Top Model. Gemma? Hmmmmm. . . Gemma. . . Who is Gemma Ward? Anyone? Why did that name just pop into my head?
OK. It was me/Frannie.
By the way, Mel likes "Celery"
I love Alex as well. It's one of those names that works well for a baby as well as an adult.
Although (in your family) if you named her Alex wouldn't that automatically give her the nickname "A-rod"?!
How about "Hot"
Hot-rod Marshall...
Gemma Ward is that hot Australian model.
Oh yeah, Gemma sounds good. Gemma Song. Georgia! Gemma! Quit harrassing Aunt Frannie and Auntie Mel and get over here!
I'm liking that alot.
Or "Hot"
Frannie here. Your comment scares me ("Georgia! Gemma! Quit harrassing Aunt Frannie and Auntie Mel and get over here!") you know how small children terrify me.
I might have nighmares tonight.
No offense intended Lisrod.
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