We got our shots Monday. Hepatitis A for me and my husband, none for our daughter. We'll take a series of typhoid (pills) before we go, and take along antibiotics for stomach ailments, if any, and insect repellent. I have an inhaler for allergies to the dense pollution.
We're thinking of names. Here are the leading contenders:
Maiya (pronounced "my-yuh")
Minnie (just kidding)
Celery (kidding again.)
Your thoughts?
We're thinking of names. Here are the leading contenders:
Maiya (pronounced "my-yuh")
Minnie (just kidding)
Celery (kidding again.)
Your thoughts?
My recommendation:"Seven."
Is that a great name or WHAT!
George Castanza
Maiya's my fav
You are an oft-misunderstood genius.
My husband 86'd Alex. He says it's too "masculine." So Maiya is the front-runner now.
I also like Maiya.
Or Celery. Honestly, just go nuts with it. How about Eggplant Jane?
Oh, P.S., I thought the best way to contract hepatitis was through sexual contact. I didn't know there was a more conveninet shot for it now. Do you know if that shot comes in "The Clap." I've been trying to get that one for a while now.
Think Clapper:
When Georgia was a newborn and getting her vaccinations, our pediatrician told us not to give her one of the hepatitis shots - I forgot which one - because it can be transmitted only through sexual contact. She was, like two weeks old. I didn't get her the shot.
Maybe you should call the CDC and ask about the Clap shot. Too bad they can't take that idea to its logical conclusion - a shot for acne, a shot for a poor disposition, a shot for receeding hairline, etc.
I'm a little hurt not to see Nigella on your list. Consider carefully before making your final choice . . . we don't want to have another Wang Chung situation, do we?
Although Maiya (I like the spelling too) does have a certain "Song-Song" ring to it.
But AlexANDRA is not so masculine, right? There's a lot of flexibility in it! Remember Ice Castles? Wasn't she called Lexie? Did I just spoil it for you or what?!
I just read in the book "Freakonomics" that Alexandra is one of the most common high end white girl names...who knew? Hehe.
I am actually trying to get a shot that will give me the Clap. I'm collecting STDs for a science experiment that I'm entering into a science fair. I am going to be the world's dirtiest lay.
My vote is also with Maiya. I'm such a conformist.
Can I ask why they didn't give Georgia the Hep A shot? I know in our office we give it to kids going to China, so I'm just curious more than anything.
I like the name Nigella. Were you kidding? I think you're serious, right? I love Nigella the British cook. She's sexy, if I do say so myself.
I gave my Dad "Freakonomics" for Christmas (Festivus) last year, then I read it too. I seem to recall the white girl name-discussion. My good friend Leezaslawparnter named his youngest daughter Alexandra, and calls her Alex for short. I've always loved the name.
Think Frustrated:
Did you see the Saturday Night Live sketch in which Will Farrell plays a homeless dude posing as a nude model for an art class? He goes on and on about his STDs and grosses everyone out while they're trying to paint his business. Somehow your last comment brought his image to my mind. Hee hee.
Actally, I brought Georgia's immunization records to the doctor with us (the three of us went together to lessen the impact of shots on Georgia if we all got them at once) and we were told that she was already immunized against Hep A. I was a little confused, because I get all those Hep vaccines mixed up. Evidently, she's been vaccinated against everyting - even the sexually transmitted Hep. Hopefully, she won't consider that fact an invitation to be in a Girls Gone Wild video.
Yes I'm serious - come on, say it with me: "Georgia, Nigella, Untie that kid and come home for dinner! It's too late to start another science project tonight."
I like Anna and Maiya. Although you were kidding, I really like the name Celery. ;)
It would be hard for me to not shorten Nigella to Nigel. And that would remind me of that blow-hard Nigel the judge on America's Next Top Model. Not that I watch it or anything.
Gwyneth Paltrow named her daughter Apple, I suppose Celery wouldn't be so bad.
At one time were you considering Lilly or a different spelling of that name?
Lily or Lilly is a good name, but I've come across a lot of adopted girls with that name. And with the name Hope. Very popular right now. And I just can't stand really popular names, because I want my kids to stand out but not be wierd. So that's why we picked Georgia - which I still love just as much as ever - and Maiya. Maiya is leading and it's not a horse race. The name is way out in front, both with bloggers and my non-blogger friends. My "real" friend Maiya will be so thrilled.
I love naming babies/characters!! I've got one named 'Georgia' - just so she'd get JoJo as a nickname.
Kind of scary, to think it probably qualifies as a hobby, but ... there you go. I like to pick names that can survive childhood and will look great with CEO under them. Or President as a prefix.
Maiya's pretty.
Clearly I'm biased, but I go with Meredith. With all due respect to the Maiyas out there, I think Meredith goes better with Georgia and would look better on a Harvard diploma hanging in the White House someday. It's all about projection, baby.
I totally remember that:
I kicked ass on my my hepatitis test! I got two "B's" and a "C."
"Ella" could be short for Nigella.
Via my sisters, I am sure you are aware of my naming theory. Credibility on a diploma is essential. My favorite, which is not on your list: Sarah (a.k.a. Sally) Song M. Fits all the requirements. But back to your choices: too many Maiyas and everyone will spell it wrong; Ellie - love it - could be short for Elizabeth, Eleanor, or Eleanora (I am big on an adult name to go with the nickname); Meredith - stellar choice; you cannot go wrong with Anna/Anne (I like the e). Let me submit one final contender: Papaya.
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