It's 3:31 a.m. and I'm wide awake. Probably because I've got so much on my mind. We are supposed to be in China on June 11th, our house is for sale, and we found the house we want but we can't buy it because we have to sell ours first. And then there's the issue of money, which I won't discuss because then I'll never get to sleep.
But I digress. We have to be in China June 11th. Did I say that already? We fly to Shenzhen a week before the official ceremony at the Consulate in which Song Song becomes an American citizen. I'm still not sure of the itinerary, when we meet her and how long she's with us before the ceremony, but presumably we'll know soon.
We have to take a stack of documents with us, most of which I have copies, but the matter of going through them all and applying for our visas and gathering the hoards of money we need to accomplish this daunting task is staggering.
Xanax is a tranquilizer. I will be thankful if I can get through the next month sans prescription medication.
Wow, I had to read that entry twice to get it all. I can't imagine how you are feeling. Overwhelmed is an UNDERSTATEMENT. All I can really say is good luck with everything and I will be thinking about you.
That pic is adorable by the way. Is that Ernie or a cute lookalike?
We barely dipped our pinky toes into the adoption pool last year and I was instantly overwhelmed - I can't imagine what it's like once you've gotten to this point and you're so close! I know it sounds trite, but just think about that moment you get to hold Song Song in your arms, and everything else will work itself out. The universe has a way of doing that.
Does she have to take the test to become a citizen? She must be working really hard, studying long hours to memorize the bill of rights and stuff.
Thanks Naynay:
The picture isn't Ernie. They have the same button nose and face, though.
Because the process is so long (two years for us) it isn't so bad. The work comes in fits and starts, with big stretches of nothing in between.
Jacob Chili Bill of Rights Taster:
She doesn't have to take a test right now, but after being in the U.S. for six months, (meaning she'll be three), we intend to hire that governess from "The King and I" and make her learn all the periodic tables as well as apply regression analysis to international markets. Good times.
HA HA HA, Leezer you're freakin' clever and funny.
Don't let her forget about the Human element that Dow discovered. I think its main property is that it absorbs and destroys other elemtents. Atomic weight 69.
Wow! This is great! And of course you're awake at 3:31am!
I'm thinking of you guys over here :) Lots of good juju you're way, my friend!
Wuhl, Thunk yuh.
Think Jacob:
It's a good thing you are here to make sure my Mom and Dad, both retired, know what the "youngsters" are talking about these days! :)
I'll be getting a laptop this weekend so you can get a day-by-day account of our adventure!
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