Today we bought our airline tickets (nearly $7,000; four tickets to China, five tickets home) and met with the adoption agency to get the packet of documents we have to take with us - a gazzillion forms beginning with the letter "I" and having a three digit number after that. I still don't have all four of our passports (mine, my husband's, my daughter's and my Mom's) back from having the Visas processed, and I panicked when a co-worker who used to work in a passport office informed me that unless I purchased "expedited" processing for the Visas, I'd not get them in time. I called the service I used to process the Visas and was assured they'd arrive tomorrow.
Leezerslawpartner loaned me his laptop, which means I don't have to spend several of the precious hours I have left shopping for a computer. What a guy.
I think we're about ready. I might want to take a book for the 10 hour flight. Or maybe if I take the latest issue of "The Economist" I might finish the main article about the time we touch down.
Okay, I'm officially a bit nervous. Will you be posting whilst in China? And since you're leaving in June, will you be back by the 4th? Will you be heading north to celebrate with the Camano Island Clan? Speaking of which, on the name issue, Meredith is a lovely choice. There, if it can't be Nigella, then it should be Meredith or Gemma - both of which sound great with Georgia.
Yes, the laptop will enable me to download pics and post. I think I signed something that said I wouldn't post any pictures of Song Song. But I'll be back by 7/4. I plan to go to MCS's parents' house if they'll have us.
Meredith is leading as of this moment. Elliott doesn't like Gemma. Figures.
I like Meredith.
Two that popped to my Gemini mind:
I really like Claire and Grace, as well.
Frannie suggested Andie/Andrea which I'm really liking this morning.
Give me five more minutes and I'll change my mind.
Maybe I'm a Gemini.
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