I awoke this morning at 5:32 a.m. with a migraine. I get them a couple times a month, so I got up, took a Maxalt, and fell back asleep.
I dreamed that we lived in a palace; our bedroom was peach and bronze and everything was covered in silk and satin. My husband and I spent as much time in this room as possible, and didn't want to leave.
Then I went searching for lip-gloss. In that inexplicable way that the thread of a plot line in a dream darts forward and backward in time, I kept buying lip-gloss at the store and losing it, then buying some more. And I couldn't read the print on the tube.
So I'm leaving in an hour for the airport, and the most my subconscious mind can come up with is anxiety over losing lip-gloss? Maybe it was a stress dream. But that bedroom was amazing . . .
We're ready to go and excited to sit in one place for ten hours, watching DVDs and reading magazines. It's been a hectic week.
Tune in a few days from now; hopefully I'll have taken some pictures of Guangzhou.
Safe flight, happy travel. Can't wait to see your pics and hear about Song Song!
I'm no dream interpreter, but it "feels" (and it's all about feeling now)...feels like in your dream you didn't want to leave a familiar place. That maybe you're preparing yourself for some unexplainable chaos, which is perfectly understandable. You're life is about to change! (And maybe you just want to look good for whats to come...)
Safe travels :) Can't wait to
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