Today we visited a 1500 year old
Buddhist Temple. This is the tower, which is one of many buildings and temples on the site. The tower appears from the outside to have nine stories but there are actually seventeen levels on the inside. The number nine in Buddhism is a perfect number, which is obviously why Jerry Seinfeld filmed for nine seasons. There are seventeen levels inside to hold 1,000 Buddhas. I know this is a gross over-simplification. Hundreds of Chinese were there today lighting incense to pay respect to the Buddha and to pray. The haze from the incense was thick and smelled good. The monks were chanting, which was interesting. I tried to high-five the monks but they didn't respond.

Worshipers buy turtles from Buddhist monks which the monks release into the nearby river so the turtle can be free. Apparently this symbolizes a soul's release of karma.

Three two-story Buddhas sit in the temple shown below. The Buddha on the left symbolizes one's past lives, the Buddha in the middle one's present life, and the Buddha on the right one's future lives. I'm not having any future lives. I've made up my mind so I sort of gave the Buddha on the right the cold-shoulder.

It was difficult for us to walk through the grounds without being stopped by Chinese grandmothers. This happened to us probably three times during the hour we were there and each time they'd stare for a few seconds, then smile and touch the girls' hair and pinch their arms. Apparently, when an old person does this it means they find the child attractive; it's a compliment. Georgia felt a little like a spectacle, but Anna enjoyed it. The Chinese grandmothers are also very free with advice, such as the child needs a coat (it was ninety degrees and muggy!) or the child is too skinny.

Anna is beginning to assert herself; if we take something away from her she falls down limp, face down. At precisely four p.m. every day she takes off all her clothes, takes me to the bathtub and points to it so I'll give her a bath. Despite her early attachment to Elliott, I'm the only one who can hold her now and she screams if anyone else tries to. The agency told us not to try to break her of this habit just yet, thinking it's her way of adjusting. It's o.k with me generally, but it's too hot to carry her all the time and I'm constantly soaked with sweat.
Souvenier update: MCS's souvenier's are purchased. I've chosen a theme. Good times.
And mine, Leezer? Where is my souvenir? After all, you got a phallic totem pole from Chile, albeit second hand from Bill. Not to mention the awesome coloring book I am bringing you.
Cosmically, you are balancing out my pain. Blogging about your family in China is putting a huge smile on my face everyday. Better than a whiskey! Love to you all!
Wow, the monks sure have a good scam going with those turtles.
SO EXCITED FOR MY SOUVENIRS - I bet there are some amazing public works projects going on in China! I'm going to NYC soon, but I don't think there are any lighthouses there to purchase for you. Don't worry, though, I still have the awesome gift from AI that I forgot to give you before you left, despite it being in my purse the entire time we were having lunch. - MCS
P.S. - I'll be shocked if you can beat ExPat's phallic totem pole from Chile. Good luck.
How cool, to get a kid with a built in alarm clock. Of course, 4 pm in Guangzhou is some unHOLY hour back here, isn't it? You've got a few days to nip that one in the bud. HA.
"I tried to high-five the monks but they didn't respond." The best line yet!
Dear Leezers,
I embarrasingly admit, I'm just now reading your entire adoption blog from start finish. With tears running down my face, I read with joy the amazing description of meeting little Anna Song Song for the first time. Thanks for sharing your personal, emotional and funny stories. Can't wait to meet Anna when you get back. You can leave both Earnie and Anna with me when you do lunch! Ha ha.
P.S. I agree with Moparman about your best line yet. I'm still chuckling.
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